While I am not a designer by trade, I have a lifetime of casual experience and I'm constantly trying to improve my skills and establish a style. Here are some projects I've done on my own.
Mozilla QA Contributor Badge
I created this badge for the Mozilla QA badges project. It is in the style of Christopher Appleton (Mozilla designer) and is meant to convey the process of scouting out bugs. This image was composed completely in Pixelmator.
This badge was featured on the MozQA blog - you can read about it here!
Box.com Usability Thought Exercise
This project packs a double punch. Not only is it my attempt at a rough redesign of some of Box.com's more confusing interfaces, it is also my first HTML project. The website itself was written by hand and hosted on GitHub. My makeshift prototyping tool was the iPad app Paper by Twenty-Three. You can see the whole thing at portfolio.aidanbryant.com.
First Prototype - DocShop
During Scott Klemmer's Stanford/Coursera HCI Design class, I conducted a short needfinding project and created a series of prototypes for a concept site called DocShop (best name ever? I think so). The intention of the site is to help people easily locate physicians and create appointments, as well as save lists of their current practitioners. (And no, I had not heard of ZocDoc at the time. Win some, lose some!) This prototype was compiled in Balsamiq.
Feel free to download and view the documents on DropBox!